



restores hair with state-of-the-art technology.

Men & Women

Minimally Invasive




Short Downtime

Men & Women

Minimally Invasive




Short Downtime

The updated hair transplant technique.

NeoGraft safely removes hair from the back of the scalp, which is usually not susceptible to pattern hair loss, and transplants the follicles to the balding and thinning areas of the scalp. The technique uses Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which has many advantages over traditional hair transplants. No scalpels, no stitches, no staples. And no long linear scar.

Innovative technology yields natural-looking results.

Using patented breakthrough technology, the NeoGraft technician harvests the patient’s own hair follicles from the abundant area and then implants them in the targeted barren area. The implanted follicles begin to grow hair in their new setting, resulting in restored volume for a natural, fuller appearance within a few months.

NeoGraft FAQs

Will the results look natural?

Yes, NeoGraft gives a very natural hairline appearance. There is no “plug-like” look.

When can I resume regular activities?

The downtime period is relatively brief. You can return to all activities within 7 to 10 days. Non-strenuous activities can be resumed sooner.

Does it take long to heal?

Because the procedure uses a semi-automated hand-harvesting device as opposed to a scalpel, the scalp will heal very quickly. The procedure leaves very tiny scars that are unnoticeable, compared to the long linear scars left by many traditional transplant techniques.

When will I see results?

In most cases, new hair growth begins to appear in 3 to 6 months after the procedure.

How many sessions are needed?

One to two sessions are needed.